Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe during these difficult times.
Great News, Our Council is now open again for Bingo on Thursdays.
Thank you to all the Brother Knights. Your help in the bingo is appreciated.
We pray to the Lord that this pandemic will end soon. We will continue to honor and love God, The
Knights of Columbus, and the Catholic Church.
Grand Knight,
James Hathaway
This month’s Knight of the Month is a group effort
No Knight should be singled out for our most
productive times. All my Brother Knights who
have been continuously supporting our
council deserve to be recognized.
Thank you to each Joe Serrano, Martin Gavilanes,
Gustavo Gavilanes, Harvey Simpson
Stephen Lange,Crescencio Garcia-Oritz
Calvin Matranga, Richard Delgado
Richard Ruelas, Edward Van Olphen, Jacob
Van Olphen and Larry Dietz.
Thank you, everyone for all of your help. Stay
safe and healthy during these uncertain times.
Vivat Jesus!
Grand Knight,
James Hathaway